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Latin - English

aerarius - copper, bronze

agrimensor - surveyor

ambitus - exterior edge, extent

apochae - receipt for payment

apotheca - storeroom

ara - alter

arca - household safe

armamentarium - armory

atrium - open central court in a Roman house

atrium tuscanium - atrium without columns supporting the roof

aurata - adorned with gold, gold embroidered

aurifex - goldsmith

aviarium - aviary

balneum - bath

caelator - engraver

carceres belluarum - animal pens

caupona - inn, tavern

cella vinaria - wine cellar

cenaculum - upstairs room or dining room, attic

chalcidicum - portico or porch

coactari - maker of felt

collegium - guild, fraternity, society

collegium aurificium - guild of goldsmiths

comitium - place of assembly for elections

compilale - worshiped at crossroads

compitum - shrine at a crossroad, junction

corona - garland, crown

crypta - covered arcade, underground room for rites

cubiculum – bedroom

cultor - supporter

dei - god, divinity

dissignator - one that arranges, a supervisor, a director of funerals

dolium - Large earthenware vessel used for storage

domus - house, residence

euripus - narrow channel, canal

faber - workman, craftsman, smith, carpenter

faber aerarius - bronzesmith, coppersmith

faber ferrarius - blacksmith

faber laminarius - tinsmith

faber lignarius - carpenter

faber lignarius tabellarius - maker of wooden writing tablets

faber sutoria - cobbler

faber tegettarius - Mat (or rope) maker

fauces - entrance hallway

forum boarium - cattle market

fullo - cloth fuller

fullonica - workshop for the fulling (cleaning) of cloth

fusorium - sink

ganeum - low-class eating house, brothel

gemmarius - jeweler

gens - family, tribe, clan

gladiator - gladiator

gromaticus - surveyor

gymnasium - sports center

hospitium - lodgings

imperatorium - imperial

impluvium - small pool in an atrium to catch rainwater

inquilini - tenant

insula - island, apartment house

Iudaeus - Jew

iuventutis - youth, military guard unit

Judaeum - Jew, Jewish person

junior - younger

lana - wool

lantruculi - board game similar to draughts or chess

latruncularius - chess player

lar, lararis - household god

lararium - shrine

lavatio - facility for washing

lignarius - carpenter, timber merchant

lintea - linen

lupanar - brothel

medicus - physician

menianum (maenianum) - balcony

mercator - trader, merchant

musivarius - mosaic artist

negotiator - trader, dealer, merchant

negotiator aerarius - copper or bronze trader or dealer

negotiator ferrarius - iron trader or dealer

oecus - dining room or lounge adjacent to the peristylium

officina - workshop

officina aeraria - bronze or copper workshop

officina coactiliaria - felt maker’s workshop

officina coriariorum - tannery

officina ferraria - blacksmith workshop, ironmonger

officina infectoria - dyeworks with furnace

officina lanifricaria - workshop for wool processing

officina lignaria - carpenter's workshop

officina lignaria plostraria - cart maker's workshop

officina pigmentaria - paint or unguent maker's workshop

officina sutoria - cobbler's workshop

officina textoria - weaver's workshop

officina tinctoria - dyer's workshop

officina vasaria - potter's workshop

officinae tegetariae - mat maker’s workshop

olearia - of or for olive oil

opus testaceum - brick construction

ostiarius - porter, usher, gate keeper

peristylium - peristyle, open courtyard with colonnade

piscina - swimming pool

pistrinum – bakery

plebeius - plebeian, commoner

plostrum - cart, wagon

pomarium - orchard

popina - (low class) eating and drinking establishment, cook-shop

porticus - portico

posticum - rear door

postumus - last

praedium - land, property

praefurnium - furnace room for a bath suite

praetor - magistrate

primigenia - first born, original

prothyron - entranceway

publica - public

regio - area, region

sacerdos - priest, priestess

sacrarium - sanctuary, shrine

saepta - voting place

sagarius - maker or seller of cloaks or cassocks

saltus fullonici - fulling stalls where cloth was pounded by foot

schola - school

servus - slave

sodalicium - association

sodalicium pistorum - association of bakers

stabulum - stable

statio - halting place, armed post, outpost

sutoria - shoemaker

taberna - shop, tavern, inn

taberna diversoria - inn

taberna offectoris - dyer's shop

taberna olearia - olive oil shop

taberna pigmentaria - shop for paints or unguents

taberna pomaria - fresh fruit shop

taberna vasaria - pottery shop

tablinium - reception area off of the atrium of a house

tegetari - mat (or rope) maker

textrina - related to weaving

thermae - baths

thermopolium - eating and drinking establishment, hot food and drink establishment, café (see also popina)

tonstrina - barber's shop

triclinium - dining room with three couches

tunica - tunic

venale - for sale

venerium - luxurious

vestiarius - clothing merchant

vestibulum - entrance

veteranus - veteran

veterarius (veteramentarius) - dealer in old or worn articles, junk dealer

vinarius - wine merchant

vinetum - vinyard

viridarium - garden

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Italian - English

abitazione di tipo non codificato - house of uncodified type

affresco - fresco

alloro - laurel

amanti - lovers

ancora - anchor

appartamento al piano superiore - apartment on upper floor

atrio - atrium

bagni - baths

borchiata - studded

bottega - shop, workshop

caccia - hunt

calcare - limestone

calce - lime

calzaturificio - shoe factory

casa - house

casa di tipologia non identificabile - house of unidentifiable typology

casto - chaste

cenacolo - circle, refectory, dining room

cenere - ash

chirurgo - surgeon

cinghiale - wild boar

colomba - dove

colonnato - colonnade

conchiglia - shell

denominazioni - name

destinazioni - destination, purpose

dipinto - painting, painted

edificio - building, structure

edificio non identificabile - non identifiable structure

esercizio artigianale a destinazione incerta - craft business with uncertain purpose

facciata - facade

fallico - phallic

farmacia - phamarcy

fontanelle - drinking fountain

fregio - frieze

frutteto - orchard

fruttivendolo - fruiterer, greengrocer

gallo - cock, rooster

giocatore - player (of games)

giudeo - Jew, jewish

giudizio - judgement

impianto commerciale a destinazione incerta - commercial facility with uncertain purpose

inesplorato - unexplored

insigna - emblem, insignia

latrina - latrine

lavanderia - laundry

lupanare - brothel

magazzino - warehouse, stockroom, shop

medico - physician

meniano - balcony

milizia - militia

moralista - moralist

nascita - birth

officina - workshop

osteria - inn

panetteria - bakery

peristilio - peristyle, open courtyard with colonnade

pergula - projecting roof, shed

pescatrice - monkfish, anglerfish

pubblico - public

quercia - oak

retrobottega - back shop

rosso - red

sala - hall, room

scacchi - chess

scheletro - skeleton

schola - school

signorile - luxury

sovrastante - overhanging, overlooking

stagioni - seasons

stalla - stable

statuetta - figurine

stoffa - fabric

stuoia - mat

tettoia - roof

uccelliera - aviary

unite - joined

vasaio - potter

via - street, road

vicolo - alley

zappa - hoe

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